ISIS celebrates attackes in Frances

Now ISIS Islamic state celebrating on Social media with twets that they attacked France again by the heavy truck at high speed that rashed into the crowd while all are watching Bastille Day fireworks in the French Riviera city of Nice late. This is been the Second attack they said killed over 80 people on the spot and 42 were injuried. They said in the tweet that “The number of those killed had reached 62 french crusaders and sinful infidels in Nice, France.. God is great, God is great,”. Before 8months ago they have been attacked the paris with suicide bombers at that time the count was 130 killed.

On sunday the Euro 2016 soccer tournament has been ended without and attack the people were in the relaxation all of sudden they attacked with the heavy truck and driver was not yet identified but got some information that Residents of the Mediterranean city, which is close to the Italian border, were advised to stay indoors. There was no sign of any other attack.



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